Many works have been written on Companions. However, the most famous ones are as follows:

• The work of Abu Umar ibn Abdilbarr (368-463) “al-Istiab Fi-Marifatu’l-Ashab” This work contains the names and lives of three thousand and five hundred Companions.

• The work of Izzaddin ibn al-Athir (Hijri 555-630) “Usdu’l-Ghaba” This work contains the names and lives of seven thousand, five hundred and fifty-four companions.

• The work of Ibn Hajar Asqalani (773-852) “al-Isaba fi Tamyiz as-Sahaba”. This work contains the names and lives of eleven thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three companions.

• The work of Abu Nuaym al Isbahani (330-403) “Hilyatu’l Awliya”. This work contains the lives of Ashab as-Suffa.

• Ibn Sa'd's (168-230) “at-Tabaqat”…