The coming of our prophet (PBUH) is the most significant event of this universe. For an incomprehensible book is no more than a nonsensical paper and only gains meaning when an instructor teaches it. The universe gains meaning with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), too.

So, is it possible for those tens of thousands of prophets before the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) not inform people about such an important event? Of course not. For their duty is a sort of a preparation for the prophet Muhammad (PUBH) who has been waited. For this reason, all previous prophets informed about the Prophet (PBUH) more or less.

Such a question may come to our mind; since previous prophets informed people about him, then why the prophet Muhammad (PUBH) is being rejected by the majority of the followers of those prophets? It is because the previous divine books are distorted and they lost their originality through many translations. The evaluation of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi concerning this subject is very original:

“Indeed, since those Books are revealed scriptures and those who brought them were prophets, it is necessary and certain that they should have mentioned the one who would supersede their religions, change the shape of the universe, and illuminate half the earth with the light he brought. Is it possible that those scriptures, which foretold insignificant events, would not speak of the most important phenomenon of humanity, the prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH)? Yes, since they would certainly speak of it, they would either denounce it as a falsehood and so save their religions from destruction and their books from abrogation, or they would affirm it, and through that man of truth, save their religions from superstition and corruption. Now, both friend and foe agree that there is no sign of any such denouncement in the scriptures, in which case there must be affirmation.” (1)

Scholars of Islam have dealt with and quoted many of the verses of the Bible, Torah and Psalms that indicate the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in their books. For example, Husain Jisri quoted a hundred and fourteen signs from those previous divine books in his book called Risala al-Hamidiyya.

For more information concerning this subject, you can refer to the part called “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible, Torah and Psalms.”


(1) Risale-i Nur Collection, The Letters, The Nineteenth Letter