Definitely, the Qur’an is the book that informs and teaches us the high ethics that our Lord wants to see from us. It is Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) who lived a life according to the Qur’an and set an example with his actions. When Hz. Aisha asked what kind of ethics the Prophet (PBUH) had, she described it as follows; “Dot you not read the Qur’an? His ethics was the ethics of the Qur’an.” (1)

Allah, who gathered all kinds of high ethics at the highest level in Hz. Muhammad (PBUH), created him in the most handsome way physically and made Him the best in ethics among mankind. His ethics is so high that the Allah addresses him as follows in His book:

 “Nay, verily for thee is a Reward unfailing: And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.” (2)

Another important subject which is presented here is the perfectness of his ethics and he is at the top in every good attribute and he is perfect in opposite qualities. Good habits of course are not poles apart. However, the existence of every habit at the highest ethical level in a person is difficult. A good attribute or a quality which is at the top may weaken another good attribute. For example, excessive tender-mindedness along with excessive braveness and fearlessness, excessive modesty along with excessive solemnity and dignity, meticulous justice along with excessive truthfulness, a complete thriftiness with complete benevolence, a boundless love and mercy along with anger and wrath…

The togetherness of good habits that may seem controversial in a person at the highest level is a miraculous event since a good habit does not oppose another good habit.

So, the combination of all good habits in Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) sets forth another miraculous aspect of his. Although they do not have belief, many western and eastern scholars accepted his perfection. Hz. Muhammad (BPUH) is such a perfect human that he has not been forgotten and his perfection has been mentioned through generations and his name has had a place.

(1) Muslim 1/514 Hadith no: 746

(2) Surah al-Qalam, 3-48)