After the Farewell Hajj of the Prophet, the Muslims that came from the places outside Madinah returned to their homeland. They conveyed the messages and teachings of the Prophet to their people. 

The third verse of the chapter of al-Maida sent down during the Farewell Hajj stated that the religion had become perfect. This also indicated that the death of the Messenger of Allah was near. Some Muslims felt it. The fact that the Prophet became ill after the Farewell Hajj strengthened this feeling. 

Meanwhile, some Arabs claimed to be prophets.

The first one of them was Abhala b. Ka’b, who was known as Aswad al-Ansi, from the tribe of Sons of Ans. He was a soothsayer and magician; he affected people very easily with his words.[1]

This man, who appeared in Yemen, claimed that he was a prophet and that angels brought revelation to him. He deceived many people of Yemen with lies and tricks. The people of Najran followed him. Then, he went to San’a and invaded San’a; thus, he expanded his rule of mischief.

The Muslim governors and officials who were in Yemen had to leave Yemen. Muadh b. Jabal went to Abu Musa al-Ash’ari, who was in Ma’rib. Then, they went to Hadramut together. 

The Messenger of Allah was informed about the situation. He sent this message to the Muslims in Yemen: “Eliminate Ab­ha­laone way or another.”[2]

Upon this order, the Muslims in Yemen took action and killed him in his house. The news that Aswad was killed reached the Prophet on Sunday, one day before his death. After Aswad, the liar was killed, the Muslim governors and officials returned to Yemen.


In the 10th year of the Migration, Musaylima al-Kadhdhab (the Liar) claimed to be a prophet in Yama­ma.

Musaylima had come to Madinah with the representatives of Sons of Hanifa and had become a Muslim by talking to the Prophet. When he returned to Yamama, he exited Islam.[3]

After his conversion from Islam, Musaylima started to claim and propagate that he was a partner of the Prophet. Thanks to his witchcraft, he deceived many people from the people of Sons of Hanif and Yamama; they gathered around him. Once, he dared to imitate the Quran. He made up some ridiculous words and recited them as if they were from the Quran. Some of the sentences that he made up were as follows:

“The elephant, what is the elephant, and who shall tell you what is the elephant? It has a poor tail, and a long trunk; and is a trifling part of the creations of thy God!”

Another passage that ridiculed Musaylima was as follows:

“Croak, frog, as thou wilt: part of thee in the water and part in the mud; thou hinderst not the drinker, nor dost thou befoul the stream! Wait on the ground until the rat brings you the news of death.”[4]

The Prophet sent a message to the Muslims around Najd and told them to eliminate Musaylima al-Kadhdhab.

After the death of the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Abu Bakr sent an army under the command of Khalid b. Walid to attack Musaylima. Wahshi b. Harb killed him with the same spear that he had martyred  Hazrat Hamza.

[1]Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 189, 218.

[2]Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 215.

[3]Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 223; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 162.

[4]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 5, p. 551; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 254.