(9th year of the Migration)

Umm Kulthum, who was the daughter of the Prophet and Hazrat Uthman’s wife, died in the 9th year of the Migration.[1] After she was washed and enshrouded, her janazah prayer was led by the Prophet himself.[2] After she was buried, he sat by the grave for a while. Meanwhile, some tears started to roll down his face.

Umm Kulthum was the second youngest daughter of the Prophet; Fatima was the youngest. Umm Kulthum became a Muslim when her mother, Khadija, became a Muslim.

Hazrat Uthman had no children from Umm Kulthum.[3]

[1]Ibn Hajar, al-Isaba, Vol. 4, p. 489.

[2]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 8, p. 38-39.

[3]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 8, p. 37-38.