The earth was covered with incorporeal darkness.

Everything that existed was in a state of mourning because of the oppression and atrocities committed by mankind. It was not eyes that shed tears, but soul and heart. There was a general lamentation in the world.

People had become wild like monsters eating each other; they were about to be drowned in the swamp of unbelief, polytheism, ignorance and oppression. The oppressed were groaning bitterly under the whips of the oppressors.

The world was sorrowful; the beings were sorrowful; the hearts and the faces were sorrowful and grievous. 

The infinite mercy of Allah would not let the unbelief, polytheism, deviation, ignorance, sorrow and trouble that spiritually squeezed the minds, spirits and hearts hard make the humanity suffer any longer. He would definitely send a person that would end all of those troubles as an indication of His compassion and mercy.  

And, he was coming!

The unmatched person, the last Prophet of Allah, who would change the spiritual form of the world with the light that he would bring, was coming!

Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), who would lead the jinn and human beings to the way of endless bliss was coming!

That Moment…

The universe was waiting for its Master in awe and respect. Every being was ready to welcome this unmatched person with their own tongues, languages, states and acts joyfully.

Date: 571 AD, Twentieth of April.

Fifty or fifty-five nights after the Event of the Elephant.

The twelfth night of the lunar month of Rabiulawwal.

A modest house in Makkah. It is Monday. The time of dawn. 

A magnificent and unmatched thing happened in this modest house and at that unmatched time: Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the master of the Universe, was born!

When he opened his eyes, it was as if the world forgot about its pains and mourning, and was overwhelmed with joy. It was as if the universe shouted with joy and excitement: “The Sultan of the Religion was born at that time / The skies and the earth were overwhelmed with light”.

From the narrations by his mother…

Reverend mother, Hazrat Amina, who was deemed worthy of such a unique honor that no any other mother ever was, describes that blissful moment as follows:

“Someone came towards me in my dream in the sixth month of my pregnancy and said:

“O Amina! Know that you are pregnant to the most decent person of the universe. When you give birth to him, name him Muhammad and do not tell about it to anyone!”

Then the time for birth came. My father-in-law was away, performing Hajj. I was at home. Suddenly I heard a voice. I felt as if I would melt with horror. It was there. A white bird appeared and came to me; and it patted my back with its wing. I did not feel any fear or anxiety from then on. I had a look around. They were serving me syrup in a white jug. As soon as I drank it, I was covered with a sea of light and Mohammad was born.” (1)

The reverend Mother tells about afterbirth as follows:

“I saw a flag in the east, a flag in the west and a flag on the Qaaba. The birth was over. I looked at the baby. He was on sajdah (prostration) and his finger was raised up towards sky. Then a white cloud came down and swaddled the baby. I heard a voice: Show him around the east and the west, show the seas, so that creatures will know Muhammad with his name, his title and his face then the cloud disappeared away.” (2)

Also at the same night, Hazrat Amina saw a divine light and in the brightness of that light, she watched palaces and mansions in Damascus. (3) 

Observations by Midwives Shifa and Fatima

At the time the Lord of the Universe (Prophet Mohammad) was born, Shifa who was Abdurrahman bin Awf’s mother and Fatima who was Uthman bin Abul’l As’s mother were together with the reverend mother.

Shifa, who was one of the midwives, described her observations at that time as follows:

“I was there when The Messenger of Allah was born. I quickly came there for help. I heard a voice: “May Allah’s mercy be upon him.” The distance between the south and the north was filled with divine light. And I saw some palaces of Byzantine in that light. Then I took the Messenger of Allah in my arms and started to suckle him. I started to tremble and almost fainted. The baby disappeared in front of my eyes. A voice asked: ‘Where has he gone?’ Another one replied: ‘They took him to the east.’

I never forgot those words. Therefore, as soon as the Messenger of Allah declared his prophethood I went to him and accepted his faith together with the first Muslims.” (4)

Fatima said that the house where the birth took place was filled with divine light and the stars in the sky seemed as if they would fall into the house. (5)

Another specialty of Prophet Mohammad was that he was born circumcised and his umbilical cord was already cut off. (6) There was “The seal of prophethood” between his shoulder blades on his back, just in the line with his heart. It was formed by hairy, raised and reddish freckles which looked like pearls and it was in the size of a partridge egg. The seal was a sign indicating that he was the last prophet being awaited for a long time.

Saib bin Yazid, one of the Companions, tells about the seal as follows:

“When I was a child, my aunt took me to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah, there is a pain in my nephew’s foot. The Messenger of Allah patted my head with his hand and prayed for me. Then he took ablution. I drank from the ablution water. Then I stood behind him and I saw the seal of prophethood between his shoulders; it was as big as the huge buttons of the tent (or a partridge egg).” (7)

Describing the Messenger of Allah, Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “He was broad between his shoulder blades and it was obvious that he was the last prophet from the seal of prophethood between his shoulder blades.” 

Glad Tiding Given to Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib…

When the Master of the Universe, our Prophet, was born, Abdulmuttalib, his grandfather, was talking with some of the notables of Quraysh near the Kaaba.

He was given the news. Abdulmuttalib, who became very happy, went straight to see his grandson. He hugged and kissed his grandson. Then, he gave his grandson to Abu Talib, his son, and said, “This child is entrusted to you. He will be an honorable, well-known person.”

Ab­dul­mut­ta­lib slaughtered camels and sheep on the seventh day of the birth of the Master of the Universe and held three banquets for the people of Makkah in the honor of this joyful event; he also slaughtered camels in each district of the city and left the meat there so that the poor people would take and the animals would eat them.  

The luminous child was given the name Muhammad (pbuh)

After the banquet, they asked Abdulmuttalib what name he had given to his grandson. He said,


“Why did you not give one of the names of your ancestors but this name?”

He replied:

“I wanted Allah and the people to praise him!”

Indeed, the Master of the Universe, our Prophet, is the only person in the world that was praised by Allah, the people and the angels because he deserved that praise, interest, love and respect. He deserved the praise with his unmatched belief, understanding, worshipping, loyalty, fear of Allah, trust, effort and hard work, sincerity and high ethics. Therefore, there is and there will be nobody that will reach his rank of praise.


[1] Qastalani, Mawahibu’l-Ladunniya, v. 1, p. 21.
[2] Qastalani, ibid, v. 1, p. 21.
[3] Ibn Hisham, Sirah, v. 1, p. 166; Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, v. 1, p. 102; Tabari, Tarikh, v. 2, p. 125.
[4] Qastalani, ibid, v. 1, p. 22.
[5] Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, v. 1, p. 267.
 [6] It is narrated that Hazrat Adam, who was the first human being and the first prophet, was also born circumcised. Moreover, sources record that Seth, Enoch (Idris), Noah, Moses, Solomon, Shuaib (Jethro), John (Yahya) and Hud (Eber) from prophets were also born circumcised. 
n[7] Bukhari, Sahih, v. 1, p. 48; Muslim, Sahih. v. 7, p. 86.