Hazrat Umar is Sent to Turaba

The Prophet heard that four clans from the tribe of Hawazin gathered in the Valley of Turaba, about ten kilometres away from Madinah. One of those clans, Sa’d b. Sons of Bakr, had promised to help the Jews of Khaybar when they wanted to attack Madinah in the 6th year of the Migration. 

Thereupon, the Messenger of God appointed Hazrat Umar as the commander of a military unit consisting of thirty people in the month of Shaban in the 7th year of the Migration and sent them to Turaba.

The enemy heard that the mujahids were coming there and they escaped. When the mujahids arrived there, they could not see anybody there.  

Hazrat Umar left Turaba and set off toward Madinah with his soldiers. When they reached the place called Jadr, the guide offered him to attack Sons of Has’am. Hazrat Umar said, “The Messenger of God (pbuh) did not order me to fight them.” Hazrat Umar returned to Madinah with his soldiers without any fighting.[1]

Hazrat Abu Bakr is Sent to Hawazins

In this expedition, which would complete the Expedition of Turaba led by Hazrat Umar, the Prophet sent Hazrat Abu Bakr to attack Hawazins in the region of Najd, in the month of Shaban after Hazrat Umar returned. When Hazrat Abu Bakr reached the land of Hawazins with his soldiers, he attacked them suddenly. The Muslims killed some of them and captured some of them; they also obtained some booty and returned to Madinah.[2]

Aban b. Said b. As Becomes a Muslim

Aban b. Said b. As was a relative of the Prophet. His third great-grandfather, Abdulmanaf, was also the third great-grandfather of the Prophet.

His father Abu Uhayha, was one of the notables of the Qurayshi polytheists. Before the Expedition of Hudaybiyah, Aban had gone to Damascus on business. He met a Christian priest there and asked him, “I am from The Quraysh. A person emerged among us and claims to be a Prophet. What do you think about it?”

The priest asked, “What is his name?”

Aban said, “Muhammad”. The priest said, “I will describe him to you.” Then, he described the physical appearance of the Prophet, his characteristics, and the ancestors of his father and grandfather.

When Aban said the Prophet was exactly as he said, the priest said, “Then, by God, he will dominate the Arabs first and then the earth. Give my greetings to that righteous person.” Thereupon, Aban returned to Makkah and after some research and investigation, he became a Muslim at the beginning of the 7th year of the Migration.[3]

Hz Umar Marries Jamila bint Thabit

Hazrat Umaru’l-Faruq married Jamila, the daughter of Thabit b. Aqlah, one of the Muslims of Madinah. Jamila, whose previous name was Asiya, was one of the first ten women that paid allegiance to the Prophet when he came to Madinah.   

When Hazrat Umar married her, he did not like his name and changed it as Jamila. However, she did not want to accept it because she wanted to be called by the name that her mother had given to her.

He explained the situation to the Prophet. The Messenger of God said to her, “Do you not know that God agrees with the tongue and heart of Umar.” Then, he said, “Your name is Jamila.” Hazrat Umaru’l-Faruq had a son called Asim from his wife Jamila.[4]


[1]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 2, p. 89-117; Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 99; Ibn Kathir, Sirah, Vol. 3, p. 418.

[2]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 117; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 99; Halabi, Insanu’l-Uyun, Vol. 3, p. 191.

[3]Ibn Athir, Usdu’l-Ghaba, Vol. 5. p. 417.

[4]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 15, Vol. 8, p.12; Ibn Athir, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 417.