It is not something that can be done by an ordinary person to make some diagnoses and determinations that could be understood after centuries. The Prophet (pbuh) made statements about tens of different branches of science; those statements turned out to be miracles as the branches of science developed.

For instance, he said, “For every disease, there is a cure.”[1] As the science of medicine developed and the pharmacy of nature was searched by scientists, it was confirmed that this statement was a miracle. If there were a disease that has not been cured for centuries, this claim of the Prophet would be refuted. However, when a disease was determined, a cure for that disease was found after a while as it was expressed by the Prophet (pbuh).

He applied quarantine centuries ago.

“'If you hear about an outbreak of plague in a land, do not go to it; but if plague breaks out in a country where you are staying, do not run away from it.”[2]

Thus, he indicated the existence of tiny organisms that were noticed only after the invention of the microscope and infectious diseases in a period when microbes, bacteria and infectious diseases were not known.

He said, “When a dog licks a utensil, it should be cleaned by soil and then with water seven times.”[3] That is, he advised soil to be used for disinfection. That hadith is a scientific miracle because the existence of the disinfectants like “tetralite” and “terlaxine” in soil was discovered only in this century. Besides, it was also discovered in this century that many harmful organisms that live in the bodies of dogs could also live in the bodies of human beings.

He said, “If a fly falls in the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it into the vessel and then throw it away; for, in one of its wings, there is a disease and in the other there is healing.” [4] First of all, it is a miracle on its own that the Prophet knew that the fly could carry germs while the people who lived in that period did not know about it. The fly that falls into a dish generally tries to get out through one wing. In that case, to dip the fly into the dish would make it release the antidote into the dish.

“When a woman companion said that her bleeding never stopped, he told her to continue performing prayers and added that if the bleeding continued for more than a certain time, it would not be normal bleeding but that it would originate from a disease in the veins.”[5] The medicine has proved today that the menstrual blood that does not stop after a certain time passes is an indication of a disease.

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Ten things are of nature of man” and he mentioned circumcision as one of them.[6] Today, scientists state that the skin that is cut off during circumcision can be so dangerous as to cause cancer because it accumulates dirt and germs, confirming the miracle of the Prophet (pbuh).

He said, “Avoid being soiled with urine; do not urinate while standing.” [7] We were informed that urinating while standing causes serious risks. One of those risks is caused by urine particles entering the body through breathing and sticking onto lungs. Another risk is caused by the increase of some microorganisms when the urinary bladder is not emptied completely. Those microorganisms cause illnesses like prostatitis. Moreover, some substances in the urine in the urinary bladder that is not emptied completely deposit and cause the formation of bladder stones.

The examples given here are like a drop from the sea. As time passes, and as branches of science develop, scientists will confirm the truthiness of the Prophet (pbuh) regarding many issues.
[1] Bukhari, Tibb, 1.
[2] Bukhari, Tibb,30. Muslim, Salam, 98.
[3] Muslim, Taharah, 91.
[4] Bukhari, Bad’ul Khalq, 17, Tibb, 58; Abu Dawud, At’ima, 48.
[5] Bukhari, Wudu 63; Muslim, Hayd 62.
[6] Bukhari, Libas 63; Isti'dhan 51; Muslim, Taharah 49.
[7] Bukhari, Wudu, 56; Muslim, Taharah, 34; Nasai, Janaiz, 166; for other narrations, see  Bayhaqi, Abu Bakr Ahmad b. al-Husayn, “Ithbatu Adhabi’l-Qabr wa Suali’l-Malakayn”, Maktabatu’t-Turath, Cairo trs p. 115