(8th year of the Migration, the month of Dhulhijjah)

Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet, was born on this date. Ibrahim, born of Mariya, was the last child of the Prophet.[1]

Abu Rafi, husband of Salma, who was the midwife, gave the Prophet the news of Ibrahim’s birth; he was born in the house in the date grove allocated to his mother near a place called Awali in the upper part of Madinah. The Prophet became very happy when he heard the news and said to Abu Rafi,

“I have given him the name of my ancestor, Ibrahim.”[2]

Ibrahim is Given to a Foster Mother

All of the women of Ansar who had just given birth wanted to suckle the child of the Messenger of God very much. The Messenger of God gave his son to Umm Burda Hawla bint Mundhir to suckle.[3] The Prophet allocated a date grove to Umm Burda Hawla because she undertook the task of suckling his child. Ibrahim stayed with Umm Burda Hawla, his foster mother, until his death.

The Prophet used to visit Ibrahim, his son, very often; he used to caress him and hug him, showing his mercy.

Anas b. Malik, the servant of the Prophet narrates one of his memories about the Prophet as follows:   

“I have never seen anyone treating his family more compassionately and more mercifully than the Messenger of God (pbuh).

When Ibrahim was in Awali, Madinah, with his foster mother, the Prophet used to go and visit him and we used to go together with him.  

Ibrahim’s foster father (Abu Sayf Bara b. Aws) was an ironsmith. The Messenger of God used to enter the house when it was full of smoke, hold his son, kiss him and return.

Once, the Messenger of God set off to visit him. I was following him. When we arrived there, Abu Sayf was blowing his bellows. The house was full of smoke. I ran to the house before the Prophet and said to Abu Sayf, ‘Stop your bellows! The Messenger of God (pbuh) arrived.’ Then, he stopped his bellows.

The Messenger of God held the child and hugged him. He also uttered some words and talked to the child.”[4]

[1]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 1, p. 135; Tabari, Vol. 3, p. 139.

[2]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 135-136; Muslim, Sahih, Vol. 4, p. 1807.

[3]Muslim, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 1808.

[4]Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, Vol. 4, p. 194; Muslim, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 1807.