His servant Hz. Anas talked about Him (PBUH) as follows: “I have never seen a human who is more compassionate towards His family than Him”

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) frequently visited his son, Abraham, who had been born in the last years of his life at the house of his wet nurse… This place is at the outskirts of Medina and his wet nurse’s husband is a blacksmith. This house was always filled up with smoke that came from the blacksmith’s furnace. In every visit of him to this house, He clasped his son Abraham in his arms and kissed him by smelling him lengthily. During this time, he was a president of a government that dominated over the Arabian Peninsula. (1)


He was leading the fajr prayer in the mosque. While the general practice he did was to lead a lengthy two rakat fard prayer which was suitable to the spirit of salah by reciting a hundred verses very slowly, in that morning, he completed the salah in a very short time and uttered the greeting. His friends asked:

-O Apostle of Allah! Why have you completed the salah fast?

– I heard the voice of a crying child. I was worried that his parents would be sad. (2)


The journey of Hegira which was made under rough conditions had been completed and now they were entering Medina… Muslim girls of Medina welcomed Him with the chant of “O the White Moon rose over us From the Valley of Wada”. As He was passing in front of them, Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) asked:

“Little girls, do you love me?”

Small girls answered by screaming “Yes”. Then He spoke with the smiling on his face:

“I love you too!.. (3)


A hungry mother with two daughters in her lap wanted from Hz. Aisha (RA) something to eat. There was nothing other than three dates in the house of Hz. Muhammad (PBUH), who was both a prophet and president. The mother who gave one date each to her daughters was about to eat the third date for herself; however, her hungry children wanted it, too. And the mother gave it to them. In the evening, Hz. Aisha (RA) was still under the influence of the event. When the apostle of Allah came home, she told him about this event, too. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) answered:

“That mother deserved Paradise with this deed.” (4)


Hz. Fatima (RA), who was the only remaining daughter of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) among His seven children after His death and who would continue His generations till Doomsday, had a very special place in his heart. Whenever she came to him, he always welcomed her by standing up,

By kissing her, He used to say “Welcome my daughter!” and let her sit near him by grasping her hand. Fatima also behaved in the same manner to her father. Whenever he expressed his love towards her, he said:

“Fatima is my part, whoever disturbs her, disturbs me too”

A society that had killed their small infant daughters with their own hands until five to ten years before this was watching them. By understanding how valuable benefaction daughters are… (5)


His servant Anas narrates:

A man was sitting near Hz. Muhammad (PBUH). For a while, the man’s son came to him. The man took him and sat him down on his knee and started to kiss him by caring. After a while his daughter came. However, the man did not take her and sat her down on his knee and did not show any interest to her. The face expression of the apostle of Allah changed and asked with a serious voice tone,

‘Why did you not show interest equally?” (6)


He told the equally aged children of his cousin Jafar and his uncle Abbas by facing them:

“Run towards me. Whoever comes to me first, I will give this and that.”

They ran towards to Him (PBUH) and closed down on His bosom and back. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kissed them all by embracing … Many times in His life … (7)


His Iranian friend Salman narrates:

It was a time near midday. We were sitting at the mosque. The news arrived to us that Hz. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA) had been lost. We scattered and started to search the children in Medina and surroundings with all people there along with the prophet (PBUH). Finally, I found them at the skirts of a mountain. They had embraced each other in fear and were looking at a snake a little away from them. The snake directed its head towards them and put its tongue out, hissing… I called to the apostle of Allah, He came immediately. When he saw the scene, he walked towards the snake and the snake ran away. Then, he went to his grandchild. He tried to diminish their fear by touching them with his hands on their faces and at the same time He said:

“You are my mother and father, how valuable you are in the eye of Allah”.

When the fear of the children diminished, he took each grandchild on his shoulders and started to walk towards Mecca. (8)


One Day with his faithful friend Abu Hurairah, he went to the house of Hz. Fatima (RA). He wanted to see his grandchildren and show affection to them. As he entered the house, he searched Hz. Hassan (RA):

“Is the small man there?  “Is the small man there?

While hugging His grandchild, who came to him by running, he prayed at the same time

“O My Allah! I love him; I want You to love him and the ones who love him.” (9)                                  


He put his foster child Usama, the son of Zayd on one of his knees and Hassan (RA) on his other knee. He laid their heads one another and his own head to them and prayed to Allah:

“O my Allah! I want You to show compassion to them because I feel compassion for them.” (10)


One night, a friend of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) visiting him could not help getting surprised. Inside the garment of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there was something moving. When the garment was opened, the secret was revealed:

Hz. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA), whom he loves by calling them“My Flowers”… He took them into his lap and prayed:

 -“These are my sons, the sons of my daughter! O my Allah, I love them and I want You to love them and the ones who love them.” (11)


His daughter Fatima (RA) had given him two grandchildren. Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA)… When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who expressed his interest for his grandchildren comfortably in every environment, was asked to buy a camel for them, he became four-footed and said to them, since he had no money to fulfill their wish for that moment,

-“Come on, get on; is there any camel better than this?”

Another day, as they were playing “riding on horse” game with Hassan (RA) and Hussein (RA) on his back, they met Hz. Umar… The lover of the Prophet, Hz. Umar, said to the children:

– “You have such a nice horse”. Prophet Muhammad answered:

-They are also nice riders.” (12)


On the pulpit of the mosque, He was calling out to thousands of believers who were listening to Him with great attention. At the door, there were two babies in their red shirts trying to walk with difficulty. The heads were turned to that side. However, nobody dared to interrupt the speech of the Apostle of Allah and to take the children.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) broke his speech, got down from the pulpit and held them. And he returned to the pulpit and continued to speak. Meanwhile, He did not neglect to apologize to the ones listening to Him.

“-I looked at these two children walking with difficulty and I could not help interrupting my speech and taking them upside.” (13)


On one morning of a religious festival, he was returning home from the mosque. In the street, he saw children playing in their festival clothes. However, one child attracted his attention. He was sitting aside with dirty and old clothes on him and watching the others. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came close to him…

-“My son” He said: “why do you not join your friends?”

The child answered in sadness…

-“O Apostle of Allah! I am an orphan…”For the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), this was enough… He took the child by the hand, and brought him to His home. There, the orphan was washed; new clothes were dressed; he was fed and some money was put in his pocket; he was made happy… Then, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took his face into His hands,

 -Would you like me to be your father, Aisha your mother and Hassan and Hussein your brothers?

– “Yes, O Apostle of Allah, yes”…

The happy child rushed and joined the others. Wondering this rapid change, his friends asked:

-What happened to you?

The orphan answered:

-The Apostle of Allah became my father and Aisha my mother and Hassan and Hussein my brothers… (14)


Anas the son of Malik was a smart and mischievous child of Medina who performed the daily work of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and served him until His death, from ten to twenty…

This long period of ten years was full of mischief of Anas. By his own expression:

“The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to send me to buy something from the market. When I saw the children playing in the street, I used to play with them and forgot what to buy. Then I used to come to him in silence. When he saw me shy and fearful, He used to say “What should Anas do; he has nothing in his hand; Allah makes him forget everything to do”and He used to console me.

On one of these days, the coefficient of mischief of Anas was quite high and said to himself for the duty he was sent “I swear by Allah that I will not go.” Then he became regretful and set forth and when he met the children playing in the street, he forgot. He was captured by the game. A while later, a hand caught him by his neck…

When he got back, he saw the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) standing in front of him, smiling:

– “My dear Anas” He said “Have you gone to the place where I sent you?”

Anas said “Yes, O apostle of Allah.” “I was just about to go there now…” The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) continued to smile without saying anything.

In his old age, when making an evaluation of the years with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Anas, the son of Malik, would say:

-I joined Him in a young age and had been in His service for completely ten years. He never cursed me even once; He never hit me even once. He never got angry with me or blamed me for a mistake of mine or a duty that I neglected or did not perform by saying “why did you do this?” or “why did you not do this?”He never grimaced his face.”(15)


A child called Abu Mahzura was making fun with the muezzin (the Caller to Prayer) by imitating Him. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called him and said to him with a serious and soft manner as if he had not realized his mockery with the adhan:

“Let us hear you call an adhan here too.”

Abu Mahzura, who was embarrassed, called an adhan by using all of his skill.

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) corrected the incomplete and mistaken parts of his adhan and put a few coins to his pocket and said to him by patting on his back:

“Let it be blessed…”

Abu Mahzura was still taken aback upon his compliment and remittance. He asked permission to be a muezzin in Mecca and got it. He was going to be the muezzin of Mecca for years. (16)


A mother was calling her child in order to bring him to the home; “Come and look what I will give you?” The prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) who saw this scene asked:

What will you give to the child?

He warned the mother who answered, “wanted to give dates”:

“Be careful! If he comes to you but you do not give anything to him, then, a sin of lying will be recorded for you.” (17)

[1]Afzalur Rahman,  Siret Ansiklopedisi, II/222 .
[2]Abu’sh-Sheikh al-Isbahani, Hazreti Muhammed’in Edeb ve Ahlakı, s.71.
[3]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, III/262
[4]M. Yusuf Kandahlawi, Hayat-üs Sahabe, III/45.
[5]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, II/222, 225; M. Yusuf Kandahlawi, ibid, III/67
[6]M. Yusuf Kandahlawi, ibid, III/46
[7]M. Yusuf Kandahlawi, ibid, III/339
[8]M. Yusuf Kandahlawi. ibid, III/34l
[9]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, II/222
[10]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, II/222
[11]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, II/222
[12]Bekir Sağlam, Model İnsan, p.50.
[13]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, II/222
[14]Gerçeğe Doğru, V.I, VII/34
[15]Afzalur Rahman, ibid, I/40; Doç. Dr. Recep Kılıç, Hazreti Peygamberin Hayatından Davranış Modelleri, p.133; Abu’sh-Sheikh al-Isbahani, ibid. s.34
[16]İbrahim Refik, Güllerin Efendisi, p.40
[17]İbrahim Refik, ibid, p.43