Here we retell some examples mentioned in trustable sources out of the many wondrous incidences that happened before and during the Prophet’s birth in relation to his coming to the world as well as events that took place before he was appointed as a prophet during his childhood and youth.

First: At the night when the Prophet was born,both his mother and those with her, the mother of Uthman Ibn As and the mother of Abdurrahman Ibn Awf, saw a great light about which they all said: “We saw such a light during his birth that this light illuminated for us the east and the west.” [1]

Second: That night, most of the idols in the Kaaba were turned over. [2]

Third: the famous palace of Chosroes, the king of Persia at that time, quaked and was damaged at the night the Prophet was born and its fourteen towers collapsed. [3]

Fourth: TheLake of Sawa, which was deemed holy by Zoroastrians, sank into ground at the night the Prophet was born. [4]

Fifth: The fire that had been kept ablaze for a thousand years in Istahrabad and that was worshipped by Zoroastrians went out at the night of the Prophet’s birth. [5]

As the events we have mentioned above point out, the person that had just come to the Earth (PBUH) would abolish fire worshipping, demolish the palace of the Persians, and forbid sanctifying things without Allah’s permission.

Sixth: The famous event of the Elephant which happened fifty-two days before the Prophet’s birth and which was the reason for the revelation of the Chapter of al-Fil in the Qur’an. In order to destroy the Kaaba, Abraha, the governor of the Yemen, which was part of the Kingdom of Abyssinia, set out for Mecca with a great elephant called Mahmud at the front. When they got closer to Mecca, the elephant could no longer walk. They could not make it walk. Afterwards, the birds of ‘ababil’ rained stones on the army and swept them away. This event is well-known and it is elaborated in history books. It is one of the proofs of Muhammad’s prophethood (PBUH). This is because close to his birth, his beloved hometown and the direction he turns to, the holy Kaaba in Mecca, was saved from Abraha’s destruction in a wondrous and miraculous way. [6]

Seventh:As is narrated by Halima, the Prophet’s nursing mother, and her husband, while Allah’s Messenger was with his nursing mother in his childhood, they saw that many times a patch of cloud made a shade for the Prophet so that he would not be disturbed by the sun. They told that event to others and it became trustably known by many people. [7]

Eighth: Furthermore, when he was en route for Damascus at the age of twelve, with Priest Bukhara’s words, he saw a patch of cloud make a shade for Allah’s Messenger and showed it to others in the caravan. [8]

Ninth: Again before the duty of prophethood was assigned, when Allah’s Messenger came back from business together with Khadijah’s servant Maysara, Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) saw two angels above the Prophet’s head making a shade like a cloud. She told it to Maysara, who replied: “I saw the same thing during the whole journey.” [9]

Tenth: Asis recounted in trustable sources, before the duty of prophethood was assigned, Allah’s Messenger once sat under a tree. Though the ground was dry and barren before he sat, it became green. The branches of the tree bent above his head and made him a shade. [10]

Eleventh:After his mother’s death, Allah’s Messenger first stayed with his grandfather, and when his grandfather died, he started staying with his uncle Abu Talib. During meals, if Abu Talib and his children ate with the Prophet, they would be full up. Whenever he was absent in the meal, they would not be full. [11] That event is both renowned and trustable. [12]

Twelfth: Ummu Ayman, his nanny who looked after him in his childhood, said: “Never did Allah’s Messenger complain about hunger or thirst. Neither in his childhood, nor when he was an adult…” [13]

Thirteenth: Starting from the time he went to her nursing mother Halima and during the time he stayed with her, her property and her goats’ milk increased much in contrast to the others in her tribe. Those events are also both well-known and there is no doubt about their truth. [14]

Fourteenth: Flies would not disturb the Prophet by perching on his blessed body or clothes. [15] Furthermore, in some sources it is stated that Sayyid Abdulqadir Gilani, coming from the Prophet’s decent, had the same quality of not being disturbed by flies. [16]

Fifteenth: After Allah’s Messenger honored the world, especially at the night of his birth, there was an increase in star-fallings. [17] This is a sign that devils and jinn were forbidden to eavesdrop on the unknown in the heavens. As the Prophet came with revelation from Allah, surely it was necessary to block the flimsy news of the unknown given by oracles and jinn mixed with lies and fabrication so that no doubt would be cast on the revelation and what they told would not resemble it. Indeed, soothsaying was quite common before the prophethood was given. After the Qur’an was revealed, the Quran put an end to it. Furthermore, many oracles grasped belief, as their heralds among jinn could not carry out their duty after the Qur’an was revealed, and thus the oracles had no source any more.

* * *

In conclusion: Before his prophethood, there were many events that attested to the cause of Allah’s Messenger and that showed that he would be the Prophet. Such a person as him, who would

  • spiritually lead the world [18],
  • change the spiritual shape of the world,
  • make the world a field for the hereafter,
  • proclaim the values of the world’s creatures,
  • guide the jinn and the humanity to eternal bliss,
  • save the mortals by explaining the true nature of death which appears to be an eternal death sentence,
  • solve the mysteries intriguing the whole humanity by expounding the wisdom behind the creation of the world,
  • know and get others to know the aims of the Creator of the Universe, and by knowing that Creator, make Him known by others.

Obviously, even before such a person came to the world, everything, every sort of creatures and living beings would look forward to his coming, yearn to welcome him, applaud his coming and let others know if their Creator informs them. As is seen in the examples given above and in other sections, every kind of creatures show his miracles in the best fashion and attest to his cause of prophethood with the tongues of miracles.

[1]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:466; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:750; Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:311; Ahmadu’l-Banna as-Sa’ati, al-Fathu’r-Rabbani, 20:2030.
[2]Suyuti, al-Khasaisu’l-Kubra, 1:119-131, 2:272; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa: 1:19.
[3]Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:750; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa: 1:126; Abu Suyuti, al-Khasaisu’l-Kubra, 1:128, 2:272.
[4]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:366; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:751; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa: 1:127; Abu Suyuti, al-Khasaisu’l-Kubra, 1:128.
[5]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:367; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:751; Ali al-Qari al-Makki, al-Masnu’ fi Ma’rifati’l-Hadithi’l-Mawdu’ “al-Mawduatu’s-Sughra” (tahqiq: Abu Ghudda), p. 18.
[6]Ibn Hisham, as-Siratu’n-Nabawiyya, 1:44-54; Ibn Sa’d, at-Tabaqatu’l-Kubra, 1:90-92; Abu Nuaym, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa, 1:144-151; Ibni Kathir, al-Bidaya, 2:157-160.
[7]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:368; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:318; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:753.
[8]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:308; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:631; Tirmidhi, Manaqib: 3 (Bad’i’n-Nubuwwa); al-Mubarakfuri, Tuhfatu’l-Ahwazi, no: 3699; al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, 2:615; Ibn Hisham, Siratu’n-Nabi, p. 115.
[9]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:368; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:318; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:753; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa: 2:65.
[10]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:368; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:318; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:753.
[11]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:367; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:315; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:751; Abu Nuaym, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa, 1:166.
[12]Ibn Sa’d, at-Tabaqatu’l-Kubra, 1:119, 120; Abu Nuaym, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa, 1:166; Suyuti, al-Khasaisu’l-Kubra, 1:205.
[13]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:368; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:315; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:752; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa: 6:125.
[14]As-Sa’ati, al-Fathu’r-Rabbani, 20:192-193; al-Haythami, Majmau’z-Zawaid, 8:220-221; Abu Nuaym, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa, 1:111-113; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya wa’n-Nihaya, 2:273; Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:366; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:750; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:313.
[15]Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:368; al- Khafaji, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 3:319; Ali al-Qari, Sharhu’sh-Shifa, 1:753; Sha’rani, at-Tabaqatu’l-Kubra, 1:109.
[16]Nabhani, Jamiu Karamati’l-Awliya, 2:203.
[17]Majmau’z-Zawaid, 8:220; Bayhaqi, Dalailu’n-Nubuwwa, 1:111; Qadi Iyad, ash-Shifa, 1:366; Halabi, as-Siratu’l-Halabiyya, 1:207, 208.
[18]Indeed, our Sultan Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who is addressed by Allah in a hadith: “O my Beloved! If it were not for you, I would not have created the universe.” is such a leader that his sultanate has been continuing for fourteen centuries. After the first century, each century he had at least three hundred and fifty million followers and community. He had put half the world under the flag of Islam and with sheer commitment his community renews their pledges of loyalty to him each day by offering him peace and blessings.