• adminadmin
  • Eylül 22, 2012
  • 0 Yorumlar

THE JOKING OF SPOUSES WITH EACH OTHER PROLIFERATES THE SUSTENANCE God (SWT) likes the joking of spouses and for this He gives reward to both and proliferates their sustenance from…

  • adminadmin
  • Ekim 8, 2012
  • 0 Yorumlar

SPEECH SHOULD BE STARTED WITH BASMALA (IN THE NAME OF GOD) Any statement that does not start with God’s name is barren. It does not give a good result. (Nasai)…

  • adminadmin
  • Ekim 8, 2012
  • 0 Yorumlar

GREETING COMES BEFORE TALKING The greeting is before talking. (Ramuz al-Ahadith) HANDS SHOULD BE SHAKEN ALONG WITH GREETING The greeting is completed through handshaking. (Ramuz al-Ahadith) WHO SHOULD GREET WHOM…

  • adminadmin
  • Ekim 13, 2012
  • 0 Yorumlar

THE BEST OF THE BELIVERS IS THE ONE WHO MAKES THINGS EASIER IN COMMERCE The most virtuous of the believers is the one who makes things easier in his shopping,…