• adminadmin
  • Eylül 12, 2011
  • 0 Yorumlar
Migration to Abyssinia

5th year of the prophethood, the month of Rajab (A.D. 615). The severity of the persecution, insults, and torturous acts the polytheists inflicted upon the Muslims continued to increase and…

  • adminadmin
  • Eylül 12, 2011
  • 0 Yorumlar
Boycott Against Muslims

It was 617 AD, the seventh year of the prophethood. Until this date, all of the polytheists’ attempts to thwart Islam’s development had failed. Moreover, Islam was developing at a…

  • adminadmin
  • Eylül 12, 2011
  • 0 Yorumlar
Year of Sorrow

Due to the deplorable incidents that took place one after the other and due to the sorrow and pain they caused, the Messenger of Allah named the tenth year of…