The Messenger of Allah wanted to meet his Companions and forgive one another when his illness was very severe one day.

He leaned on Hazrat Ali and Fadl b. Abbas, stood up with difficulty and went to the Mosque. He ascended to the pulpit and sat. 

He said to Bilal,

“Call out to people and tell them to gather in the Mosque. I want to address them. This will be my last address and will.”

Bilal fulfilled this order. The mosque became full of people.

After praising and thanking Allah, the Messenger of Allah addressed his Companions as follows:

“O people! The time to leave you has approached. If I have hit any of you, here is my back; come and hit my back. If I have taken the property of any of you, come and ask it from me. Do not ever have the thought, “the Messenger will get angry with me if I ask my right.” I never get angry with anyone when they ask what they deserve. The best of you in my eye is the one that asks what I owe him or says that he waives his right. I want to go to the presence of my Lord without having any rights of any people.”[1]

There was a sad silence. The Messenger of Allah repeated his words: “O people! If I have hit any of you, here is my back; come and hit my back. If I have taken the property of any of you, here is my property; take it.”[2]

Somebody stood up and said, “O Messenger of Allah! You owe me three dirhams.”

The Prophet said, “I will never say to anyone that he is lying or never ask anyone to swear about this issue; however, I would like to know how I owe you this amount.”

The man said, “O Messenger of Allah! Once, a poor man came to you. You ordered me to give him three dirhams and I gave it to him. That is what I want.”

The Messenger of Allah said, “You are telling the truth.” He said to Fadl, “O Fadl! Give this man three dirhams.”[3]

The Doors Opening to the Mosque are Closed

After that the Messenger of Allah said, “Close all of the doors that open to the Mosque; leave only the door of Abu Bakr open.”[4]

Upon this order, all of the doors of the houses around the Mosque opening to the Mosque except Hazrat Abu Bakr’s were closed.[5]

Hazrat Abu Bakr is Appointed to Lead the Prayers

During the illness of the Messenger of Allah, he always came to the mosque when the adhan was called and led the prayer.

Three days before his death, his illness got worse. Therefore, he could not go to the mosque. He said, “Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.”[6]Thus, he left the duty of leading prayers to Hazrat Abu Bakr.[7]

The Prophet Leads the Prayer for the Last Time

Hazrat Abu Bakr was about to lead the noon prayer.

Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah felt a bit relieved. He went to the Mosque with the help of Ab­bas and Hazrat Ali.

When Hz Abu Bakr understood that the Messenger of Allah was coming, he wanted to move back. The Prophet signed to him to stand there. Then, the Prophet ordered the people around him to make him sit next to Abu Bakr. They made him sit on the left of Abu Bakr. The Prophet led the prayer by sitting.[8]

This was the last prayer that the Messenger of Allah led in the Mosque of the Prophet.

Gabriel Comes to Ask about his Health

It was the tenth of Rabiul-Awwal, Saturday.

Gabriel was sent by God Almighty to ask about the health of the Messenger of Allah. He said,

“O Ahmad! Allah sent me to you. Although He knows what he will ask you better than you do, He is asking, ‘How are you?’”

The Messenger of Allah, who felt the longing for meeting Allah in his heart, said, “O Gabriel! I feel troubled and as if I will faint.”[9]

One Day before his Death

It was the eleventh day of Rabiul-Awwal, Sunday…

Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), the Prophet of the jinn and people, had a very high temperature. His wives were around him. Aisha was next to his head.

Meanwhile, Usama came from the military headquarters. The Prophet was lying lost in thought. He had no power to move. Usama kissed his blessed hands and head. He was full of grief and sorrow. He stood opposite the Messenger of Allah respectfully. The Prophet did not say anything. He only raised his hands and wiped them on Usama. It was understood that he was praying for Usama.[10]

After the Messenger of Allah prayed for Usamah, Usamah went straight to his army.

Gabriel Comes for the Second Time

It was the eleventh of Rabiul-Awwal, Sunday…

Gabriel came again to ask about his health. He also informed the Prophet that Aswad al-Ansi, who claimed to be a prophet in Yemen, had been killed. The Messenger of Allah informed the Companions about it.[11]

That Monday

Monday was an important day for the Prophet… He was born on Rabiul-Awwal 12, Monday…

The Messenger of Allah felt a bit relieved on Monday. When he felt it, he stood up, made preparations and went to the Mosque.

Meanwhile, the Companions were performing the morning prayer behind Hazrat Abu Bakr. The Prophet was very glad to see this luminous scene and he smiled. He also performed the morning prayer behind Hazrat Abu Bakr.

When the Companions saw the Messenger of Allah with a smiling face among themselves, they became very happy thinking that the Prophet recovered.[12]

The Prophet in his own Room

The Messenger of Allah, who performed the morning prayer of his last day behind Hazrat Abu Bakr and rejoiced his Companions, went back to his room after the prayer. Then, he went to bed.

Meanwhile, Usama, the commander, came to say farewell. 

The Messenger of Allah said, “Set off with the blessing of Allah today.”[13]

Upon this order, Usama b. Zayd went to the headquarters and ordered the mujahids to move.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Asks Permission to go to his House in Sunh

On Monday, Hazrat Abu Bakr noticed that the Messenger of Allah was better. Therefore, he went to the Messenger of Allah and said to him,  “O Messenger of Allah! Thank God, you are better this morning. If you let me, I want to go to my house in Sunh.”

The Messenger of Allah said, “All right!”

Thereupon, Hazrat Abu Bakr went to his house in Sunh.[14]

He Addresses the Muslims and his Household

His last day… Monday…

The Messenger of Allah uttered the following sentences:

“O people! Dissensions like dark night troops are approaching.

O people! You cannot find any evidence against me because I rendered halal and haram whatever the Book of Allah rendered halal and haram only.

O Fatima, my daughter! O Safiyya, my aunt! Do deeds that will be accepted by Allah. Do not rely on me because I cannot save you from the torture of Allah.”[15]

What the Prophet Tells Hazrat Fatima

Fatima was the only daughter of the Prophet that was alive. She was the only child of the Prophet that he could love.

Hazrat Fatimatu’z-Zahra was the child of the Prophet that resembled him the most in terms of high ethics, walking and sitting style among his children. 

On the last day of his illness, the Messenger of Allah summoned Hazrat Fatima, her only daughter, who was a symbol of high ethics and grace.

When she came, he made her sit on his left side. He whispered something to her ear.

Hazrat Fatima became very sad and grievous; then, she started to shed tears. 

Then, the Prophet whispered something else to her ear. This time, Fatima, who was crying, started to smile and became happy.

When Hazrat Aisha, who was there at that time, asked Hazrat Fatima about the reason, she said,

“First, he said that he was going to leave this world and me soon; therefore, I cried. Then, he said, ‘You are going to meet me before anybody else in my family.’ So, I became happy.”[16]

Last Moments…

It was the 12th day of Rabiul-Awwal, Monday…

The sun was moving toward the west.

The blessed head of the Messenger of Allah was on the chest of Hazrat Aisha. He was having difficulty in breathing. His tongue was busy with mentioning the names of Allah. He repeated the same prayer: “Allahumma ar*Rafiq al-A’la (O Allah! Take me to the most sublime companion.)[17]” Even at this stage, he did not give up guiding his ummah; he said, “Treat the slaves you have well. Pay attention to salah (prayer) and keep performing prayers”[18]

This grievous scene was wounding Hazrat Fatima’s feelings. She hugged the Messenger of Allah saying, “O, the agony that my father suffers!” Then, she started to cry.

The Prophet said, “Your father will not suffer any agony from now on.” Then, he said, “My daughter! Do not cry. Say, ‘Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return)’ when I die.”[19]

Gabriel and Azrael Come Together

The Messenger of Allah was living his last minutes in this ephemeral world.

Meanwhile Gabriel arrived with Azrael. He asked the Messenger of Allah about his health. Then, he said, “Azrael, the angel of death asks your permission to enter.”

When the Messenger of Allah gave permission, Azrael entered the room and sat in front of the Prophet.

He said, “O Messenger of Allah! Allah ordered me to obey your orders. If you want, I will take your soul; if not, I will leave it to you.”

The Messenger of Allah looked at Gabriel. Gabriel said, “O Messenger of Allah! Mala’ al-A’la (Highest Assembly) is waiting for you.”

Thereupon, the Seal of the Prophets said, “O Azrael! Come and fulfill your duty.”[20]

The Prophet Meets his Lord

The Prophet’s head was on the chest of Hazrat Aisha. There was a bowl of water near him. He put his hands in the bowl and wiped his face with his wet hands. He said, “La ilahe illallah.” Then, he removed his hands from his face. His eyes stared at the ceiling. He passed away by repeating the sentence “Allahumma! Ar-Rafiq al-A’la!”[21]

It was the 11th year of the Migration the month of Rabiul-Awwal, 12, Monday / Ad 632, June, 8. 

عَلٰى مَنْ اُنْزِلَ عَلَيْهِ الْفُرْقَانُ الْحَك۪يمُ مِنَ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظ۪يمﭭ مِنَ الرَحْمٰنِ الرَّح۪يمﭭ ، صَاحِبِ الْمِعْرَاجِ وَمَا زَاغَ اْلبَصَرُ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ اَلْفُ اَلْفِ صَلَاةٍ وَاَلْفُ اَلْفِ سَلَامٍ عَلَيْكَ يَارَسُولَ اللّٰهِ عَلٰى مَنْ بَشَّرَ بِرِسَالَتِهِ التَّوْرٰيةُ وَالْاِنْج۪يلُ وَالزَّبُورُ وَالزُّبُرُ وَبَشَّرَ بِنُبُوَّتِهِ الْاِرْهَاصَاتُ وَهَوَاتِفُ اْلجِنِّ وَاَوْلِيَآءُ الْاِنْسِ وَكَوَاهِنُ اْلبَشَرِ وَسَكَنَتْ لَهُ الشَّمْسُ وَانْشَقَّ بِاِشَارَتِهِ الْقَمَرُ سَيِّدِنَا وَمَوْلٰينَا مُحَمَّدٍ اَلْفُ اَلْفِ صَلَاةٍ وَاَلْفُ اَلْفِ سَلَامٍ عَلَيْكَ يَا حَب۪يبَ اللّٰهِ ﱬ مَنْ جَآءَتْ لِدَعْوَتِهِ الشَّجَرُ وَنَزَـلَـ سُرْعَةً بِدُعَآئِهِ الْمَطَرُ وَاَظَلَّتْهُ الْغَمَامَةُ مِنَ اْلحَرِّ وَشَبَغَ مِنْ صَاعٍ مِنْ طَعَامِهِ مِآٰتٌ مِنَ الْبَشَرِ وَنَبَعَ اْلمَآءُ مِنْ بَـيْنِ اَصَابِعِه۪ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاـتٍـ كَالْكَوْثَرِ وَسَبَّحَ ف۪ى كَــفَّيْهِ الْحَصَاةُ وَالْمَدَرُ وَاَنْطَقَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ الضَّبَّ وَالظَّبْىَ وَالذِّئْبَ وَالْجِذْعَ وَالذِّرَاعَ وَالْجَمَلَ وَالْجَبَلَ وَالْحَجَرَ وَالشَّجَرَ سَيِّدِنَا وَمَوْلٰينَا وَشَف۪يعِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ اَلْفُ اَلْفِ صَلَاةٍ وَاَلْفُ اَلْفِ سَلَامٍ عَلَيْكَ يَآ اَم۪ـينﭯ وَحْىِ اللّٰهِ

[1]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 255; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 191; Ibn Kathir, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 457.

[2]Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 457.

[3]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 255; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 191.

[4]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 227-228; Muslim, Sahih, Vol. 4, p. 1854-1855.

[5]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 227.

[6]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 217.

[7]During the life of the Prophet, Hazrat Abu Bakr led prayers seventeen times.

[8]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 218; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 356-357.

[9]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 259.

[10]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 119-120.

[11]Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 220.

[12]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 302; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 196.

[13]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 191.

[14]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 304; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 191.

[15]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 303-304; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 256; Tabari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 196.

[16]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 247; Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 3, p. 92; Muslim, Sahih, Vol. 4, p. 1904.

[17]Rafiq al- A’la means the congregation of the prophets who are in the highest ranks.

[18]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 254; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 78.

[19]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 312.

[20]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 259; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 550.

[21]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 229; Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, ibid, Vol. 6, p. 89; Bukhari, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 96; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 475.