(8th year of the Migration, the month of Safar)

We mentioned that the Prophet and Muslims entered the 8th year of the Migration sorrowfully due to the death of Zaynab. However, this sad incident was followed by some happy incidents and the sorrow was replaced by happiness. Just after that grievous incident, three famous people among Arabs: Amr b. As, a genius of politics, Khalid b. Wa­lid, a genius of war [1]and Uthman b. Talha came to Madinah, approved the prophethood of the Messenger of God and embraced Islam.

As we mentioned before, Amr b. As had become a Muslim upon the suggestion of the Abyssinian Negus in the 7th year of the Migration and had offered his allegiance to the Prophet through the Negus.[2]He came to Madinah this time in order to pay his allegiance to the Messenger of God in person and inform the Messenger of God that he had become a Muslim.

Three of them Come Together

Amr b. As, the genius of politics who became a Muslim due to the suggestion of the Negus, did not want to stay in Abyssinia any longer; he set off to Madinah in order to pay allegiance to the Messenger of God in person.

Meanwhile, two people set off from Makkah, with the same intention: Khalid b. Walid and Uthman b. Talha… Qadar made them meet in a place called Hadda.

Amr b. As said to Khalid b. Walid in order to learn his intention,  “O Abu Sulayman! Where are you going and why?”

Khalid said, “The true path is clear now; the issue has settled. This person is definitely a prophet. By God, I will go to Madinah at once and become a Muslim. It is meaningless to wait any longer. There are very few people among wise people that did not become Muslims.”[3]

Amr b. As was relieved. He said, “By God, I want to go to Muhammad and become a Muslim, too.” Then, they all arrived in Madinah in order to go to the presence of the Messenger of God and become Muslims.

Three of them are in the Presence of the Prophet

Amr b. As, who once said, “I do not think that I will become a Muslim even if all Qurayshis become Muslims” and who even watched for an opportunity to kill the Prophet… Khalid b. Walid, who once fought against Muslims bravely and skillfully, leading the polytheistic armies and caused Muslims to be defeated in Uhud; and Uthman b. Talha… All of them abandoned their wrong faith and came to the presence of the Prophet feeling ashamed of what they had done in the past.

The Muslims were overjoyed. The Messenger of God said to the Muslims:

“Makkah gave its most beloved people to us!”[4]

The situation was both lofty and exemplary. It showed that Islam did not spread by wars and forcing people or threating and terrifying people but by influencing and convincing spirits and hearts, and making people love it. Those three people, who did not avoid fighting and who did not fear swords, came the presence of the Messenger of God and kneeled before him sincerely.

In fact, apparent domination can be achieved through force and oppression in a short period of time but this domination is temporary and it will not influence spirits and consciences. The greatest and permanent domination is the one that influences all of the views, hearts and spirits and makes itself loved by them apparently and deeply. The Prophet realized this on behalf of Islam. 

Allegiance One by One…

First Khalid b. Walid reached out his hand to the Prophet and had the honor of entering the circle of Islam.

After thanking and praising God for making such a brave man a Muslim, the Messenger of God said to Khalid, “I knew that you were a clever person and that your cleverness would lead you to the right path.”[5]

However, Khalid felt ashamed of and sorry for what he had done against the Messenger of God in the past. He could not raise his head and look at the Prophet. He was looking for something that would spiritually relieve him of the heavy responsibility and sins that they had laid on his heart and spirit. He explained his situation to the Prophet: “O Messenger of God! You know that I took part in all of the battles against you. Will you pray God to forgive me about them?”

The Messenger of God said, “O Khalid! Islam eradicates all of the sins committed before being a Muslim.” This relieved Khalid. Then the Prophet said, “O God! Forgive Khalid for what he had done in order to deviate people from Your way!”[6]

From that point onward, Khalid used his strength and his genius of war for the spread of Islam, for protecting the Messenger of God and for the peace and tranquility of Muslims. Later, he was given the nickname “Say­ful­lah [the sword of God]” by the Prophet due to his heroic acts to realize those aims. 

It is Uthman b. Talha’s Turn

After Hazrat Khalid b. Walid, Uthman b. Talha, whose fourth grandfather Qusayy was also the grandfather of the Prophet, paid allegiance to the Prophet stating that he had become a Muslim.[7]

The Allegiance of Amr b. As

Amr b. As, who belonged to the tribe of Sons of Sham, who taught the polytheists tactics and strategy about politics and who oppressed the Muslims a lot, was also ashamed and regretted what he had done. He was in the presence of the Prophet but he could not raise his head and look at the Prophet.[8]

He did not want to pay “a conditioned allegiance”, in his own words, to the Messenger of God, on the condition that his previous sins and what he had done against Islam would be forgiven.  

The Prophet said, “O Amr! Pay allegiance! Islam eradicates all of the sins committed before being a Muslim. Migration eradicates the sins before it.”[9]

His words relieved the heart of Amr, who was feeling ashamed. He was one of the fiercest enemies of the Messenger of God; once, he even said, “I will not become a Muslim even if all Qurayshis become Muslims.” After becoming a Muslim, he said, “No man is more beloved and lofty for me than the Messenger of God (pbuh).”[10]

After paying allegiance to the Messenger of God, Amr b. As returned to Makkah.[11]

As we will cover later, the Messenger of God appointed him as the commander of several military expeditions and God Almighty made him gain several victories on behalf of Islam. The most famous one was the conquest of Egypt; therefore, he was called “the Conqueror of Egypt” He said:

“By God, the Messenger of God (pbuh) never discriminated between me and Khalid b. Walid and his Companions after we embraced Islam.”[12]


[1]The other people that were regarded as geniuses by Arabs were as follows: Muawiya b. Abi Sufyan, who never hurried to make a decision and who was deliberate, Mughira b. Shuba, who decided instantly, and Ziyad b. Abih, who had superior views regarding everything.

[2]Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 3, p. 290; Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 103.

[3]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 290; Halabi, Insanu’l-Uyun, Vol. 2, p. 778.

[4]Halabi, ibid, Vol. 2, p. 778.

[5]Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 7, p. 395; Ibn Kathir, Sîre, Vol. 3, p. 453.

[6]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 395.

[7]Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 5, p. 448.

[8]Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 449.

[9]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 291; Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 259.

[10]Muslim, Sahih, Vol. 1, p. 112.

[11]Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 291.

[12]Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 449.