Is it possible for an illiterate person who did not know or read anything about His own religion or a different one to invent a type of worshipping which is unique and has no example in any religion? For a person who is introducing a kind of worshipping must research the sources of all religions. If this person is illiterate, then how can he achieve this?

Another point is that if a person is not a prophet, then why should he invent various kinds of worshipping by himself? And why should he be better than anyone in worshipping?  Why should he oblige himself to perform worshipping which is difficult and cause him to disturb his ease as he did not command Muslims to perform them? Is this possible?

Now again let us look at the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):

  • That person is perfect in terms of all kinds of worship in His religion. It is a good example that Tahajjud prayer which is Sunnah for us is Fard for Him (PBUH). (1) He is unique in terms of worshipping such as fasting, zakah and salah (prayers).
  • He feared from God more than anyone else and devoted his life to gain the consent of God.He prayed at night until His feet swelled (2), strived to be a slave of God through his contemplation and prayer. He could sleep only after giving away the alms that came to his home. He was relieved whenever these alms were distributed. (3)
  • He did not make concessions from his worshipping and orders of his religion even in the most difficult conditions.Furthermore, in difficult conditions such as in the battle of Badr, where there were enemies three times greater than themselves in number, and thus he did not give up congregational prayers, living every point of religion in such a perfect way. (4)
  • He successfully combined all qualities of other prophets’ religions in Islam without imitating anyone.That is, he combined and lived all kinds of worshipping of prophets from Hz. Adam to him.

 [1]al-Muzzammil, 1-2

[2]Bukhari, Tahajjud 6

[3]M.Yusuf Kandahlawi, Hayat’us Sahaba, Vol, p, 333

[4]an-Nisa, 102